
Here you will find delicious, usually healthy and always vegetarian goodies fresh from my kitchen. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sweet Potato Quinoa

I love warm weather!  Yesterday was a perfect day, minus the sunburn because I was ouitside the whole day without the sunscreen (bike ride, walk, bike ride, frisbee, walk, and then dinner and reading a book outside).  It was wonderful, but one day I will learn to wear sunscreen.  And a warm day with plenty of exercise calls for a cooler meal, which fortunately, all of the ingredients cooked ahead with leftovers made for a chilled out meal (it is also equally delicious hot, and is prepared the same way, you just use the hot version of the quinoa, sweet potatoes and onions).  So without further ado...

Makes about 2 servings
Sweet Potato Quinoa

1 C. cooked Quinoa
1/2 Cooked Sweet Potato
1/4 Onion chopped
2 T. chopped Almonds
butter for sauteeing the onions
dash of Cinnamon Powder and Ginger Powder fit to your taste buds

Cook Quinoa according to package directions

While the quinoa is cooking, cook the sweet potato your favorite way...wrapped in plastic in the microwave, boiled on the stove, or cooked in the oven.

Chop the Onion and sautee on the stove until translucent and brownish

Let all the ingredients cool if you are wanting a cool dish, if not continue to the next step.

Combine cooked quinoa, cooked sweet potato, sauteed onion, chopped almonds and spices in a bowl.

Serve and enjoy!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Sweet Potato and Avocado Panini

Aaaahhhhh!!!!  More sweet potatoes and I love them and they are so simple, especially when you cook them in the microwave.  It has been a few crazy days, and I knew that I would need something easy to go to...hence, cook 1 sweet potato for different meals, and you have toms to go around.  So, to get to the point, because this really is just to good to wait for a long story!

Sweet Potato and Avocado Panini

1 Medium Sweet Potato
1/4 Onion sliced
1/4 Avocado sliced
2 Slices of your favorite bread
3 slices Mozzarella Cheese
Oil for sauteing Onion

Wrap the Sweet Potato in plastic wrap and cook in the microwave for 6-8 minutes or until soft.

While the Sweet Potato is cooking, you can cut and prepare the Onion, Avocado and Cheese.

In a small pan, heat oil and place in Onion.  Sautee until the onion turns translucent (I actually used my 'panini' press, which is actually a waffle iron to 'sautee' the onions...super simple and one less thing to clean up)

While the onions and sweet potato are cooking, slice the avocado and cheese.  Place to the side.

Once the Sweet Potato is done, remove from the microwave (caution, will be very hot) and peel and slice.

Remove the onions from the pan or panini maker.

One one slice of bread, place the sliced sweet potato, avocado, grilled onions and cheese.  Place the other piece of sliced bread on top.

Place into panini press and cook until golden brown.

Remove, cut in half and enjoy by itself or with a side of salad if you are looking to add more greens.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli

I was going to start out by saying that sweet potatoes might be one of my favorite foods, but then that would not do justice to watermelon (which is my #1 fav food), popcorn, avocados, or really anything else that I say is one of my favorite foods.  I really think I like most foods...not too picky, I really just love it all, especially when it is on sale at the grocery store...I think that is really determines my new favorite food....hence this time it is sweet potatoes.  While this is an odd combo of food, it is actually very delicious and oh so simple to prepare, so versatile and great for you with a wonderful and well, sweet taste!

Serves 2
Sweet Potatoes and Broccoli

1 C. Broccoli chopped to the size you desire...I made mine bite size
1 medium Sweet Potato
1/4 t. Lemon Pepper
1/4 C. Slivered Almonds
Butter to grease pan

Melt butter in a pan on medium heat.  Once the butter has melted, place the broccoli in the pan.  Cook, stirring occasionally until the broccoli is tender but still retains a crunch.

While the broccoli is cooking, prepare your sweet potato.  Wash, make small slices through the sweet potato and wrap in plastic wrap or wax paper.  Microwave for 5-7 minutes or until tender depending on the size of the potato and the power of your microwave.  (If you have more time to cook your sweet potato, you can of course boil your sweet potato in a pot on your stove, but it will take more than the 5-7 minutes in the microwave.)

Once the sweet potato is cooked, remove, peel, and slice into 1/2 inch cubes.

Once the broccoli is crispy/tender, add the lemon pepper.  Stir to coat thoroughly.

Add the slivered almonds and cubed sweet potatoes.  Stir, cover and cook for 1-2 minutes to combine flavors.

Serve and enjoy!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Easy and Quick Mac n Cheese with Broccoli and White Beans

As always, I am looking for ways to eat more vegetables.  However, if you have not noticed, I do love by breads and carbs, including a good does of the wonderful mac n cheese.  But as you can see, slight problem with that dish...no good for you fiber or veggies (especially if you use boxed mac n cheese that do not come with the whole grain pasta).  So, I slightly fixed that problem with this delicious and very easy recipe.

This idea sprang up when I had gotten home from rock climbing and was super hungry and knew I needed something healthy as well as a healthy lunch for work the next day.  This was the perfect mix to replace the nutrients and food that I had lost while climbing.  It also made enough for multiple servings and is even delicious cold out of the refrigerator or heated up later.

Easy and Quick Mac n Cheese with Broccoli and White Beans

1 box of your favorite Mac n Cheese (I used Aunt Annie's White Shells and Cheddar)
1 Can of White Beans
1 C. Fresh Broccoli cut into pieces
1/4 C. Water
1/4 t. Lemon Pepper

Prepare your Mac n Cheese according to package directions.

While the pasta is cooking, in a separate pan, add the Fresh Broccoli, can of White Beans, Lemon Pepper and Water.
Cook on medium heat stirring occasionally.

Once the Mac n Cheese is prepared according to package directions, add the Broccoli/Bean mixture and stir until thoroughly mixed.

Pour into a bowl or your favorite dish and enjoy!

P.S. Next time I make this, I will ditch the Mac n Cheese box and just used some whole wheat pasta.  The mixture of beans, broccoli and spices made enough flavor where you do not need the cheesy flavor of the processed Mac n Cheese.  When the beans break down slightly when you cook them with the broccoli, they create a slightly creamy mixture that suffices for the cheesy part of the Mac n Cheese.  If you do want the added benefits of the cheese with the calcium and protein, you could add a bit of Parmesan cheese after the pasta broccoli mix has been put into the bowl.

Spicy Asian Cucumber Salad

Cucumbers were on sale the other day, so what did I do, buy far too many to eat by themselves, in sushi, or in a traditional salad, so I was of course forced to find another way to enjoy so many cucumbers.  What better way that with some spices and seasonings!

Spicy Asian Cucumber Salad

1 Cucumber Sliced
1/2 C. Seasoned Rice Vinegar
2 T. Water
1/2 T. Sugar
1/2 T. Soy Sauce
1 t. sesame oil (I used regular cooking oil that I had laying around the kitchen)
1 T. sesame seeds (I did not have any, so obviously I did not use them)
2 Fresh Chili peppers or anything else spicy that you would like to add to the mixture (optional)

In a pie pan, combine Rice Vinegar, Water, Sugar, Soy Sauce, and Sesame Oil.  Mix thoroughly.

In the pie pan, add sliced cucumbers and toss until the cucumbers are thoroughly coated with the mixture.  Add the fresh chili peppers.  Refridgerate for 1 hour to let the spices soak into the cucumbers.  Remove from the refridgerator.  Add the Sesame Seeds and toss to evenly coat.


Chai Tea Cookies

I love chai tea, so what could be better than adding it to cookies...well, not much, considering these were super delicious and super healthy...especially by a cookie standard!  (My dog even agreed that they were delicious...he might have stolen one!)  Any ways, these were baked on a night of deliciousness and craftiness (chai cookies, beer bread and button bracelets).

Chai Tea Cookies

2 3/4 C. Flour
1 t. Baking Soda
1/2 t. Baking Powder
1/2 t. Salt
3/4 C. Sugar
1/2 C. Butter
1/2 C. Applesauce
1 Egg
1/2 t. Vanilla extract
4 T. Chai Concentrate (I used the Tazo Chai tea concentrate that you can get at Starbucks seeing as I work there)
1/4 t. Ground Pepper

Preheat oven to 350 F.

In a large bowl combine all ingredients and stir until thoroughly mixed.

Drop about 1 1/2 T. of cookie batter on pre-greased cookie sheet about 1-2 inches apart.

Cook for 7-10 minutes or until cookies are lightly brown.

Remove from oven and place on cooling rack.  Enjoy!

P.S. Your cookie will come out slightly crunchier and most likely browner than mine because I used all applesauce instead of the applesauce/butter mixture that is recommended.  If you use all applesauce they will come out more like round pieces of bread (though still very delicious, but not as cookie like).